Cortex Roleplay Wiki
All Commands
Command Name Description Example
alias This command allows you to change the syntax Cortex uses when you use a command. Most of the time, aliases are used as 'shortcuts'.(Beware, looping your alias will end up with your game crashing more times than not. alias create sp @spawn | alias create mnstr @spawn @hostile

Pineapple on pizza

ally This command makes the user ally another player. To use this,type ally [player color]. Because shared vision is directly linked to alliances,allying a player also enables shared vision. Cortex players are generally allied by default. ally hostile
colors This command will list all the players and their color in-game. This can be used for becoming allies or enemies, identifying who is with what color, or simply checking the amount of players who joined (this does not track people who leave - Press F11 for that). colors
commands This command will display the full list of commands available on the current map. Note that this may be confusing to new players due to the sheer number of available options. commands
control This command is used by players to gain control over the neutral and smarthostile players. It can also be used by a mod or admin to gain control of another players units. This function requires admin/mod powers or secure to be off for normal players. control hostile
creep This command has a simple use. Simply typing 'creep' will generate zerg creep within a small radius of the spawner or cursor. That creep will then dissipate slowly unless a creep-spreading structure is morphed there. A value can be added to make the creep radius larger. N/A
gas This command will supply you with 100,000 vespene gas by default. A different number may be substituted. The default is more than sufficient for most uses. gas 250
info This will supply you with the current engine version that is running on the map. N/A
minerals This command will supply you with 100,000 minerals by default. A different number can be used to be given a different amount. The default is more than sufficient for most uses. minerals 400
replaceeffect This command is used to replace an effect, such as a rifle fire or psi storm damage. This command requires secure to be off (or you to be host/mod) and is a part of Forge. replaceeffect novasnipe odinnuke
replaceunit This command is used to replace a unit with a different one. This command requires secure to be off (or you to be host/mod) and is a part of Forge. replaceunit Zealot Queen
roll This command will make a virtual die roll and then return the resulting number to the game. The number range is nearly infinite; though cortex has an interesting idea of what counting is when flipping values (100 - 1). Simply "roll 100" will roll 1-100. "roll one ten" values may also be substituted. roll 20 40
search This command is critical for searching models, units, effects, behaviors and other things without navigating the editor (though there is a menu in forge that serves the same purpose in a GUI). The search command should be used as: search [catagory] [keyword]. The category is required, while the keyword is not. The key issue with search is the disappearance of a page from chat; the page must be refound using the same search options, a complicated process when on page 3 of infobehaviors. search model marauder | search effect odin | search weapon viking
togglespawner This command allows users to toggle the spawner to switch between using their mouse cursor or using an invincible observer as their spawner. N/A
town This command will create a smarthostile town. Smarthostile may, at times, appear to be slow or bugged. This may or may not occur. Note: as with all smarthostile functions, your mileage using this function may greatly vary. N/A
unally This command unallies the user from a previous alliance. To use this, type unally [player color]. Because shared vision is directly linked to alliances, unallying a player also disables shared vision. All units of your faction and the other player's faction will engage in combat as two sides in melee would do. This function is most often used for stat fighting. unally teal
uncontrol This command relinquishes the control of a player's units. uncontrol hostile
upgrade This command is used if you wish to give units an upgrade. Upgrades cannot be applied to units that would not normally get an upgrade. For example, marines, or any other terran unit, can not get any level of protoss shields upgrades from the forge. Shields may still be given via @maxshields and fortified with @shieldsregen and @shieldsarmor. You can negate any existing upgrade by typing 'off' after the upgrade name. Not adding "on" or "off" will make the engine fill in the blank based on the upgrade being on or off. upgrade marauderlifeboost on | upgrade blackops
var This command is used to set a unit or group of units as a variable. Variables can later be referenced by other commands, such as @order or @context. Useful for more complicated command uses or aliases. var variablename = @spawn marine ; @copy ; @context temp ; @remove
zoom This command will set the zoom on your screen. 100 is the maximum, and makes the screen have a wide view, while a zoom of 1 will make the screen have a very small view. Zoom 0 will reset the screen to the farthest the default settings will allow. zoom 50
@addbehavior This command adds a behavior to a unit. Behaviors govern many things, such as a pylon's ability to power structures, or an overseer's ability to detect hidden enemies. There are also "infobehaviors" that describe units using behaviors on the side of the wireframe. @addbehavior timewarpproduction
@adddamage This command increases (or decreases) the amount of damage a unit can inflict on a target. You can use it to negate the effect of @removedamage, or to raise the unit's default damage score. The maximum is 9999. @adddamage 5
@addrange This command adds attack range to the selected unit. The maximum is 100. @addrange 2
@addweapon This command is used to add weapons to the selected units. Sometimes the weapon name is the unit's name - such as '@addweapon marine' - and other times it's the weapon name itself - such as '@addweapon brutalize'. Typing 'search weapon [keyword]' will help clarify the syntax if you're having trouble. @addweapon crucioshockcannon
@animspeed This command sets the animation speed for the selected units. This does not affect movement speed or attack speed. 1 is generally the standard speed. This is an important command for making certain SMX or other models not designed for player control function correctly. @animspeed 1.5
@attach This command attaches a unit to the selected attachment point. Attachment points can be obtained by typing '@attach listpoints' while selecting a unit. @attach ultralisk origin
@armor This command sets the armor level on the selected unit. Depending on the state of a map's dependencies, the max can range from 12 to 112. It is possible to use a set of aliases to make this value go beyond the maximum. @armor 2
@behaviors This command displays the behaviors a unit has. This is useful for learning the syntax of specific behaviors, especially if searching for the behavior doesn't clarify it enough. @behaviors
@color This command changes the color of the unit. This does not change the color of the entire unit, like @tint does, but instead changes the team color. It does not transfer ownership. The new color shows on the minimap. @color red
@context In conjunction with the var command, this command allows you to modify a variable unit's stats without selecting that unit. This is useful for removing unselectable units if you have turned them into variables. var immortal = @spawn immortal, @context immortal @tint 255 255 255 0.5 ; @scale 2 ; @adddamage 4000 ; @renameall Super Immortal
@copy This command clones the selected unit and produces an exact copy at the spawner or cursor. Note that attachments and modelswaps are often not preserved - the command for that is "@copy +visual". This may not function correctly on splicers. N/A
@decal This command changes the decal the selected units use. Type 'search decal [keyword]' to find decals, as many the syntax is often complicated and long. @decal decal_merc_terran_03
@effect This command creates an effect on the unit. You can type 'search effect [query]' to search for effects you want to use. Many effects are damages from spells and can be used to instantly kill units in various ways, or they are simply flashy effects. @effect odinnuke
@energy This command sets the amount of energy for the selected units. This will not set the maximum amount of energy, and if it exceeds the maximum amount, it will set the unit to full energy. Percentages can also be used, in place of raw numbers. @energy 50%
@energyregen This command sets how fast the selected unit regenerates energy. Negative numbers will cause energy decay. @energyregen 1337
@face This command is used to make a unit or building face a certain direction. The command will take a number indicating the facing angle. The angle must be from 0-360. Alternatively, you can make the selection face the spawner or cursor by typing @face without any number. @face 340
@firstperson This command switches the view and UI of the game to first person of the selected character. The function is buggy and not reliable for extended use. @firstperson
@give This command is used when one player wishes to give units or buildings to another player, or to the hostile computer. @give darkgrey
@givecolor This command gives the selection to another player, much like @give does. The only difference is that @givecolor ignores the color transition, meaning that a unit that was red will be instantly colored blue if given to blue. @givecolor blue
@height This command is used to change the visual height of a unit's sprite. This will not allow the unit to go over a cliff. @height is most often used to raise or lower flying units, such as Carriers or Mutalisks. The maximum height accepted is 524275.6. @height 3
@invulnerable This command makes the selected units invulnerable. Invulnerable units can only be killed via @kill or @remove, and are untargetable by weapons; though scourge nest weapons and rocks may also prove effective. @invulnerable
@kill This command kills the selected units. Certain units should not be killed, but rather removed, as they leave permanent graphical stains on the map otherwise (usually campaign building type structures, but also various HOTS zerg heros). @kill
@kills This command will set the number of kills a unit has made. This has no effect on buildings or units in game, and will only change the kill count number and the title of the unit. This is useful, aesthetically, if you want to give your hero an impressive title. @kills 42
@label This command creates permanent text over the selected units. It can be negated by typing '@label'. @label Destroy this.
@tooltip A command that displays a tooltip (duh) on your unit. @tooltip Marine
@level This command can make a normal unit into a hero unit by giving it the 'levels' behavior. The higher the level, the higher the unit's health, shields, energy, armor, and damage are. The max level is 10. @level 7
@life This command sets the amount of hit points for the selected units. This will not set the maximum amount of HP, and if it exceeds the maximum amount, it will set the unit to full health. Percentages can also be used, in place of raw numbers. @life 50%
@liferegen This command sets how fast the selected unit regenerates life. Negative numbers will cause life decay. @liferegen 0.2
@maxenergy This command will increase the maximum energy that the unit has. It does not affect energy regeneration. This command can also be used to give energy to units that don't have any by default, rendering them vulnerable to spells like Feedback. @maxenergy 350
@maxlife This command will increase the maximum hit points that the unit has. It does not affect life regeneration. @maxlife 500
@maxshields This command will increase the maximum shields that the unit has. It does not affect shield regeneration. This command can also be used to give shields to units that don't have any by default. @maxshields 200
@modelswap This command changes the model for the selected unit. You can type 'search model [query]' to search for models you want to use. Models can be units, structures, doodads, resources, missiles, turrets, and much more. A special set is "splicer___", ___ being a model. To splice a marauder with a warpig, for example, one would use @spawn marauder;@modelswap splicermarauder;@modelswap splicerwarpig. @modelswap zergling
@move This command tells the player whether or not the selected unit can move. @move
@order This command, sometimes used in conjunction with regions and variables, orders the selected units to attack, move, use abilities, etc. @order attack #regionname
@pause This command will pause the unit, only allowing the idle animation to play. Commands given, such as move, will be executed once @unpause is issued on the unit. N/A
@play This command plays one of the animations of the selected unit. Adding 'loop' at the end will loop the animation. Looping in particular has different effects on specific units. Try it out on the zerg drop-pod. @play birth loop
@radius This command changes the amount of collision size a unit takes up. It will not remove clipping altogether, but can lower it or raise it extensively. In conjunction with @scale, you can create larger or smaller units that take up a realistic amount of space in-game. @radius 0.33
@remove This command is similar to kill. Rather than showing a death animation, if there is one, the unit is simply deleted. This is useful for units that will otherwise leave a permanent graphical stain on the map, such as a Datacore tower or a Xel'Naga Prison. @remove
@removearea This command will attempt to remove things from an area around your spawner or cursor. This can clear some, but not all, permanent graphical stains caused by certain unit deaths (the next level is _removearea and finally, with caution, _destroy - both require good handling). @removearea 20
@removebehavior This command removes a behavior from a unit. Behaviors govern many things, such as a pylon's ability to power structures, or an overseer's ability to detect hidden enemies. @removebehavior powersource
@removedamage This command decreases the amount of damage a unit can inflict on a target. You can use it to negate the effect of @adddamage, or to lower the unit's default damage score. Adddamage may do the same thing if given a negative number (damage can be reduced to 0.5). @removedamage 5
@removerange This command removes attack range from the selected unit. @removerange 2
@removeweapon This command removes any specified weapons from the selected units. If no weapon names are given, the command will not do anything. The same principles and naming conventions for weapon names that apply to @addweapon apply here as well. @removeweapon roach
@renameall This command renames all units of one type of your ownership. Using this on a marine will change every marine's name to what you specify. If the unit is given to another player (or to hostile), the name changes and you must rename it again for that player. @renameall Atheist Panda
@resources This command sets the amount of resources a mineral field or vespene geyser holds. The max resource count is 32000. @resources 1000
@rotate This command makes a unit rotate on its axis. You can use this to make buildings look like they've been toppled, or to make attached units and models be seen at different perspectives. @rotate 120
@say This command is essential to roleplay. The characters name will appear as the color of the user (unless the character was named using XML) issuing the command with the message ahead. In conjunction with @setname, you can make any unit say anything, while displaying any name as the source. @say "Greetings, Terran. I am High Templar Karass."
@sayoverhead This command will display text over the head of a unit for a short period of time. @sayoverhead "I'm Vincent ' Burke!"
@scale This command allows users to increase or decrease the size of their units and/or buildings. The scale will allow measurements from 0.01 - 10. For most units, the default scale is 1. Some units, like the Drakken Siege Burner, have a different default scale. @scale 3.5
@setname This command will set the name for a single unit, or all the selected units at the time. This will not change the name when the unit or building is clicked, unlike @renameall, but it will change when using the @say command to make the unit say something. @setname Lieutenant Jorgan von Strangle
@shields This command sets the amount of shields for a unit. This will not set the maximum amount of shields, and if it exceeds the maximum amount, it will set the unit to full shields. Percentages can also be used, in place of raw numbers. @shields 50%
@shieldsarmor This command sets the shield armor level on the selected unit and functions the same way as @armor. @shieldsarmor 1
@shieldsregen This command sets how fast the selected unit regenerates shields. Negative numbers will cause shield decay. @shieldsregen 4.2
@spawn style="width:120px;"|@spawn 6 marine @hostile
@speed This command is used to make units faster or slower. It is often used to make large, lumbering warships move slower, or quick, nimble ground units move faster. This will only affect movement speed, not attack or animation speed. You can see what the selected unit's speed is by mousing over its armor.You can also use just @speed or @speed 0 To make a unit unmovable @speed 2.6
@thirdperson This command switches the view and UI of the game to third person view. N/A
@tint This command allows the user to change the displayed color of the units and /or buildings selected. To use tint, you must include the @tint tag, followed by the color settings with a number between 0-255. Three numbers must be entered, and correspond to red, green, and blue in that order. An additional fourth number, between 0 and 1, can be entered to affect the unit's transparency. To restore default color back to a selection, set all the tints back to 255. @tint 255 125 34 1
@unpause This command unpauses a unit that was paused previously. This allows the unit to move, attack, and otherwise function. N/A
@vulnerable This command reverses the effects of @invulnerable. N/A
@weaponspeed This command sets the attack speed of the selection (fastest 0.1). @weaponspeed 2.5
@weaponspeedall This command sets the attack speed of all units of the selection's type. This is useful if you're creating an entirely new unit out of an old one and don't want to have to set its attack speed every time you make a new copy. @weaponspeedall 2.5
#create This command creates a reigon with the specified name. #create <Insert name>;@spawn marine;!mapbounds #<previous name>
#teleport This command creates a reigon link that allows characters to walk in and present the player with a button to teleport to the other linked region. #teleport a b
!ban Admin command. This command bans a player from the game, using their color. !ban orange
!creepspeed Admin Command. This command sets the speed at which creep expands and decays. !creep 1.3
!demote Admin Command. This command demotes a player, stripping them of their moderator status. !demote blue
!disable Admin Command. This command prevents a player from using commands. This is often used as a 'timeout' punishment. !disable teal
!enable Admin Command. This command lifts the effects of !disable on a player. !enable teal
!light Admin Command. This command changes the light setup of the map to one of another map. On it's own, it will reset the lighting to the map default. !light hyperion
!autolight Admin Command. This sets a lighting with a ToD system, starting at the darkest phase. !autolight stuttburgauto</span
!log Admin Command. This command shows the most recent chat commands issued by players. !log red/span>
!promote Admin Command. This command promotes a player to moderator status, granting them the ability to use some - but not all - admin commands. !promote blue
!remove Admin Command. This command deletes all units owned by a certain player, as if they had been removed by @remove or @removearea. Only !ban will remove spawners, however. Note: users can replicate this with !removearea 1000 if they are not promoted and wish to use this on themselves. !remove pink
!secure Admin Command. This command enables or disables Cortex Secure Mode. Secure Mode attempts to block commands that could potentially ruin the game. This should only be disabled if you're with people you trust, or you could promote them using !promote to let them use their commands. N/A
!seeall Admin Command. This command shows the entire map to every player without the fog of war. Issue the command again to hide the map. N/A
!smarthostile Admin Command. This command attempts to make the hostile player group active. N/A
!trolls Admin Command. This command shows the user a list of all the units that could be considered overpowered and possibly endanger the roleplay. This is not restricted by color. '!trolls on'!trolls off
!fruit User Command. Part of the Forge extensions, spawns a given amount of assorted fruit across the map in a similar fashion as foliage generation in the editor. !fruit 100
!fruit remove User Command. Removes fruit spawned by !fruit N/A